Message/Destroy Bug

On my second level of this game, when the bullet collides with an object, the bullet is supposed to send a message to 2 glass blocks: image, and image.

The problem is that when the bullet hits the object, the blocks aren’t destroyed… Unless the player goes into the editor and back out. I temporarily made that if you press 2 it gets you onto the correct level that this happens on.

Here’s a link to the game: Escape Room - Flowlab Game Creator
And here are the glass behaviors:

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This happens on the first room of the second level btw.

wow that is way too many objects

What do you mean?

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how many objects do you have in that game?

oh wait nevermind. did you rename the collision when you renamed the objects??

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No, I didn’t rename the objects or the collisions.

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I saw this
you send a message for each object, or at least, I think, anyway. I’m not that experienced with flowlab code yet.

Yeah, but that only activates when it collides with glass.
Hold on, I think that was also an experiment, I’ll see what happens when I take it out.

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Nevermind, it doesn’t work still.

Theres no reason why it shouldnt work if it works after exiting the editor. But the button animation is still playing, just the collision in the bullet isnt triggering.

I do suggest to put the message in the button object itself instead of putting many of the same collisions in th3 bullet.

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I realized that I can change it to colliding with any bullet since it’s the first room on the second level.