Misspells in behavior descriptions

i found a misspell in the description of the leaderboard behavior. maybe i’ll look for more.

Ran it through grammarly

“behavior based” needs a hyphen (so “behavior-based”)

“when object” should be “when the object”

“sound, or” comma is unneeded.

“for example an” should be “for example, an”

“If the timer is set to repeat, then the time will to wait this long each time it activates.” it should be “If the timer is set to repeat, then the timer will wait this long each time it activates.” or “If the timer is set to repeat, then it will wait this long between each activation.”

“To activate the Timer in less that 1/10 of a second, use a delay smaller than 1, e.g. “0.5”” should be "To activate the Timer in less than 1/10 of a second, use a delay smaller than 1, e.g. “0.5”

There are 232 more corrections in Grammarly so I’m going to stop here