Mouse Keep behaver

A block of code that keeps the mouse inside of the middle of the playing screen and could be de-activated if the player clicks “Esc”.

I hope you take this into consideration this would help a lot in 3D games (like @Yoann 's and my version of Yoann 's 3D game.) and would also help in full-screen games


I think grazer mentioned something about browsers not allowing sites to lock the mouse. Could probably work on export, but testing might be difficult. (Also it’s spelt “behavior”)


You might just have to make a mouse in UI and then use extracters to get the positions of it… and when you press ESC it positions the mouse in the middle of the screen and turns off the movement?

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not such a bad idea :+1:

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Im not sure if this helps, but here you go!

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Hmm… Interesting.

This behavior (The requested behavior) could be added as a checkbox to the ‘MouseMove’ behavior.

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