hey guys have any ideas for the game? or are there any bugs i should fix? tell me on this comment
Flowlab behavior guide
eh i dont need it anymore but thanks for the advice
You’re welcome!
i just noticed that there arent that many people in the community
someone 1v1 me on this game right now: Flowlab Game Creator - Flowlab All Stars
THere’s a lot XD
no theres not i checked its just the same people over and over on each topic
No, theres a lot, but some are offline are somewhat
I was one of the people who helped make this game :P
Some of us are much more active than others, but there are really quite a few people here
Oh I forgot 'bout this to sorry, but you can use saves and stuff, it totally works but idrk how to whip up an example for that and I also got school
maybe we can make a dev team and you can work on it if you know how to do it
Sure my user name is the same as the name on the forums
i invited you to the dev team
HEY! deadly smile you workin on the feature?
Yeah, it is kind of difficult though
but I got it
you done with the feature already?
Not really, stil some work