The Object “soon to be R-G” is supposed to be a green block(because I havent edited the sprite at all) but when i load the game it duplicates the “soon to be R-G” Object, this clone is a Red square and is called “soon to be R-G-2” I think I need @grazer for this-
when game art doesn’t load correctly the sprites that don’t load correctly are just red squares. Reload and it will be fixed.
This displays every time i reload or exit out
it’s because that object is Soon to be R-G-2 is the object there
oh ok thanks, I didnt think it would save if i deleted it
Red sprite means there was an error saving it, and the sprite is missing. If you open it in the sprite editor, that should save it an the error will go away.
Alternatively, you can delete the object with the red square if you don’t want it.
also, that’s a really good-looking sprite.
thanks not my sprite, my friend made it but he has been giving me his sprite packs before deciding to sell em, I am very thankful of my amazing artists @paisleypug and AdrianDarkfellow