My game needs some help

So my game is alright but can someone help me with a shop

Game link is Runner

please help me

I need a better description of what you need. Saying “help me with a shop” is pretty vague.
Details on what specifically you is needed for me to properly help you.

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so pretty much in my game, I would like the coins to save and a shop where you can buy more weapons instead of the torch you start with like a fire or something that burns. but the coins don’t save like my torch and i don’t know how to make a shop. Anything like screenshots or whatnot will be greatly appreciated.

@John_Shrekinson thank you for your example but i would like to know how to save between levels

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No problem. It’s not my example though, it is Latif’s example. The example does save in between levels.

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ok thank you i will look at it again

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Hey i does save the number but if you collect another coin it just resets the number. did i do something wrong?

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nevermind. thank you!!

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You’re welcome, choom!

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