My new game! The Future of AfroPixel Company And Much More!

Hello Everyone! Who talks is Rich (again) and today i have finished a new Game!
Check out:
Please evaluate my game…
This game is very different of my other games because I have drawed the sprites in Paint Tool SAI… My first time using sprites drawed by me in Paint Tool SAI…
My future games go be like this graphics … Sorry for my english :stuck_out_tongue:

~ Rich Sam Toms

How To Play: Be faster than the explorer

yeah the overlapping music is annoying!

I dont found any better

why not ask me to compose?

just give me a gonre and ill help U

ok can you compose an music to me? thxs :stuck_out_tongue: Jungle and Happy Genre

Anyone like of Sprites? (8 hours to draw all them)

not bad sprites r great


you want an arcade theme? I have an unused one ready!

its like the old timey kind of music.

it makes a really good arcade sort-of-game, like y’know… those coin operated ones

@Afro Pixel Yes,they’re awesome!

matter of fact, im putting it on youtube, and anyone can use it! just ©redit me! (not really, just… just credit me)

Thxs @Sorenof

Ok send me the music @jngthree

yo @jngthree how do u make that

Thxs @jngthree but i need the link to the game (flowlab dont support the youtube)