One other super useful addition in this update is that we finally have a “get” input on the MouseMove block, so you can get the mouse coordinates whenever you want instead of waiting for the mouse to move. This and camera rotation (and the rendering improvements) make for an overall incredible update (and just in time for the flowjam, too)!
Why are you rotating the objects based on the camera rotation? your basically dobling the objects rotation on screen. What do you mean the camera glitches out? and can you give a link or example?
That makes more sense, but what do you mean by the camera glitches out?
I can forsee an inssue if you used the mouse in the game coordiantes, where every mouse movement would create an infinite spin because ever frame the mouse moves, that’s how far the player is turning/camera is rotating.
So for that, you can’t use point at to mouse from the player because the player will always be looking north. If you rotate to the mouse, you are turning the player from its current north to a new north by huge margins.
Instead, use the mouse in the UI layer based on it’s X coordinates, like how mouse movement rotates the player in a fps game like Doom. Making how far left and right you move the mouse is how far you rotate. We need a feature request for locking the mouse to the center of the game.