Hey everyone, I just deployed a new engine update!
New Flowlab Release: GUAVA
This release is focused on improving the UI. It now does a much better job of dealing with screen resizing, and offers some new interactions like drag and drop. It also introduces a lot of new “Quality of Life” improvements to the Library and Level panels.
New UI Updates
Reposition windows when editor is resized
Update Sprite editor when window is resized
Update Behavior editor when window is resized
Level window scrolls all levels (no more paging, cough@todorrobot )
Level window centers and highlights current level
Setting a level order value no longer swaps with another level
Make objects draggable into level (from library)
Make behaviors draggable into behavior window (from left panel)
Add Object Folders to library
Add Vibrate behavior
Add Accelerometer behavior
Mobile SDKs updated to the latest versions for iOS and Android
“Copy on Update” setting for Lists
To use the new Object Folders:
drag two objects together to make a folder
drag an object into a folder to move it there
drag an object to the “exit” button to remove it from the current folder
click the window title when in a folder to rename it
folders can be nested
Bug fixes:
Fix Label center and right alignment
Fix labels getting truncated on load
Enable blank lines in multiline labels
Clean up collisions when removing all objects from Library
Hey @grazer ,
I have been struggling with a rather inconspicuous bug. If you clone an input or output of a bundle, like I often accidentally end up doing, it will become extremely janky. The cloned in/out will not work properly and when it is deleted it will delete one of the other input and output nodes to connect to outside the bundle (not the actual in/out in the block). I would assume this is because bundles use variables to calculate the in/out count and deleting the clone reduces that variable count without actually reducing the number of nodes.
I guess while I am here I should mention that very large dimensioned screens (30+ block width and height) awkwardly stretch when test playing inside a block.