New Game? Neonicity Devlog

Well folks im starting a new game.


Cool, will there be a Tag Poll?

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Pinged for updates?

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0 voters

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pings (small):
@JUSTPLAINOP @paisleypug
Instant update:
The player is armed! With a gun that does not shoot :sweat_smile:


Not really an update so no pings but i have made a logo

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It’s a little hard to read. Maybe make all of the NEON squares together and do the same with the ICITY.


I’m blinded by this logo. :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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I know, I can barely read it.

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its temporary once i actually have time ill make it better

I could help you with the art. I have free time, not right now, but some time.

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Well, I want it to be a space-invader-ish style

I could do that… with Yellow? Not light red or blue?

Well, I want most of the game to be yellow like blocks player weopon
I want harmful things to be purple instead of red because red to simple