Hello pls come play my brand new game here https://flowlab.io/game/play/959798
Or go to my website and play some other games- https://ryantmc.wixsite.com/flowgames
Press s to spit carrots.
Arrow Keys To Move.
Hello and welcome to this random game i made to celebrate me getting a new pet that is a bunny. so yeah. If you like knocking down houses then this is the right game for you. There are two different game modes, PVAI (Player vs AI) or Free World were you can chase pigs, spit carrots, eat carrots, drown, know down trees or knock down houses. This game has not yet had any updates so if theres anything i need to patch or even add in the next update please let me know on my website. You can also go check out some of my other games as on my website. Thank you, WWRJ from FG. Website: https://ryantmc.wixsite.com/flowgames