NEW PROJECT, come help

Hey can I join? I think that undead Luigi with Ultra Instinct would be a cool and funny addition lol.

That character is copyrighted

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what if we heavily implied that it is, but have it be distinct from luigi

Nintendo would still copyright strike us lol

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@ScrapStudios Dude the character is called “Scrap Studios character” and its too big

Hey, what’s the size for characters?

2x2 or 3x3 is the size @MrMcMemerMan

Hello I’m here again

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I severely injured my knee… Again…


@meburningslime Sorry to hear that…

Also people are ruining the project, I might leave

Who is doing it?

I might start helping after school

I found who it was and removed them.

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@browngr it’s not you right? Sorry I have to ask, you’re the only other one unaccounted for.

@browngr I’ll add you in after you respond.

@browngr and @Johnny_boy are temporarily removed since there’s a small possibility it’s them. I want them to confirm it’s not them before I add them back in.

You don’t even have to bother kicking me out since I actually haven’t even been on at all, lol.

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idk who it was but i did see a lot of changes since I’ve been gone.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 42 hours unless flagged)


Wait, what all happened while i was away?

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