New Release: Spinners! 🌀

New Release Published: Spinners!

I just deployed a small-ish update with a couple of new behavior updates and some bugfixes:

:sparkles: New Features

  • Added miss output to Prox block
  • Added “decimal degrees” option to Rotation block
  • Added blocks for Spin / “angular velocity”
    • Spin Motor adds an angular force (renamed Motor to Push Motor)
    • Spin sets the angular velocity directly (like Velocity)
    • Extract can now extract the current angular velocity/spin value

:lady_beetle: Bugfixes in this version

  • Fix null output when using an Ease with 0 duration
  • Renaming a level no longer breaks Load Level
  • Download button hidden in sprite editor for others’ games
  • Some behaviors were not reset properly for emitted objects
  • Removed warning for Kinematic velocity updates
  • Sprite editor no longer shows sprites from deleted games
  • Fix drag animation frame issues in sprite editor

Please let me know if you run into any issues, and thanks to everyone who reported problems and offered suggestions!


The miss Prox Output is phenomenal, thank you so much for this blessing.
I’m a little confused with how to use Spin, but i’m getting there.


The Spin block instantly sets your object’s spin speed to a specific value. Think of it like the Velocity block, but for spin speed instead.

The Spin Motor block adds a rotating force to your object, so that it will begin rotating over time. Using a force like this instead of setting the spin speed directly is less likely to cause problems with collisions.

spin values are all in Rotations per Second, so a spin value of “1” means the object will rotate once (360 degrees) every second.


This helped a ton, THANKS!!!
You’re the best


I did want to mention, from my time using the new update, behaviors seem to get stuck a lot when moving them, It’s mostly happening with the mailbox, it just kinda gets stick in between being placed. So I have to hit ok, and come back into the objects editor. Not a huge issue, but a bug.


thanks grazer


Amazing update, thanks so much! The miss on Proximity is especially useful

Using New Spin Motor

Not sure if I can put this here (just delete it if not) but I just made this using the new spin behavior:
It’s pretty janky XD


Loving this new change. Cheesy 80s transitions inbound!

One question, what is the floating number point maximum? How slow are we able to turn it?


There is no maximum or minimum, although spinning things too quickly can definitely cause problems with resolving collisions.


If you spin faster than 60, will it have the same collision box as 60 fps or will it rotate entirely?


I don’t think I understand this question


If the speed is 60, it would do 60 revolutions per second, and thus at optimal performance, it would rotate once per frame. What happens to the collision box when rotating faster than the framerate?

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The physics engine only runs during each frame, so:

  1. If it is rotating at a speed of 60, it would basically not be changing - it would be in the same place every frame. It should look as though it is not moving. Same for a speed of 120, or 180, etc.

  2. if it is rotating at a speed of like 61 or 62, it would appear to be rotating slowly since it does a full rotation between frames, and then a little bit more


If, for example, a rectangular object were rotating at this speed, would it hit objects in its path or phase through it?

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Was the “next level” behaviour changed so that it doesn’t automatically switch to the next level by default?


No, that was not the intent. The block is supposed to work exactly as before, just without failing when the names change.


I see. Looks like it’s just the old block (that was actually named “Next Level” and didn’t have the “get” option) that had that error, then.

Something I would like to point out is that I can no longer download sprites from games that belong to a team I’m in ca that get fixed or is it intentional?


This is a side-effect of the update. It wasn’t intentional, and I think it should be easy to reolve.


Wooosh! That airtime. If this is an example, can I make a Hot Wheels fangame out of it? I will profusely credit you immediately.