Can you post or DM me a screenshot? The font is the same (DIN) - just a bit bolder. It should look much better on lower resolution screens, about the same quality as before on higher dpi (or retina) screens. I did a bunch of testing to try and get to a good compromise, but it’s possible that more tweaking will follow.
(in particular it does not look great if your display is at 125% scaling, but that didn’t look very good before either)
I actually like the new look of the texts. I think I had mine on low resolution, so the text looked small and skinny before. These ones are a lot easier to see and read.
I like the new font - however, maybe it’d be better to have it as an option? Either way, it’s honestly not a huge deal and it is still easier to read:D
I didn’t even REALIZE how chunky the old text format was until I saw this lol. Great work grazer, thanks for updating and improving the engine over the years.