New Update: HTML5 bug fixes and performance update

So, a bunch of stuff came up and this update took a lot longer than expected. It’s deployed though, and here’s what’s in it:

  • Memory improvements - it should be using less memory
  • Performance improvements - it should have moderately improved performance when running the game. Label rendering, in particular, has been improved
  • Label fix - shadows now work properly again
  • Label fix - outlines now work properly again
  • Label improvement - now have alignment options (left, center, right)
  • New fonts - about 40 new fonts have been added. Most of them are pixel fonts, which we didn't have before.
  • Editor fix - ui layer fades properly when editing game or background layer
  • Camera fix - settings panel has correct labels now

Great update, love the alignment options for the label.


@grazer theres a bug- Child objects do not share behaviors with their parents, this seems to fix itself when the editor is opened/closed

Oh nice, I was wondering where you were at lately. The UI update is great, since I hated having to move my UI to see my game layer. Nice improvements overall. Really looking forward to having more fonts.

Another bug: labels do not reset when changed through input

Thank you so much for the pixel fonts grazer it would be really cool if there was a typing option where it types out the word.

I need this font too: