New update - Proximity and some other small stuff

As discussed, I updated the Proximity behavior. There are now additional options to select all objects within the proximity, or just the first one found.

As requested, I fixed the issue where the proximity triggers on itself. I didn’t make it an option, since it didn’t seem like reasonable behavior - I just removed it.

I also fixed an issue with attachments not re-attaching after removal

There was also an emitter update - when emitting an object with rotate to match emitter disabled and independent angles enabled the object is rotated to point in the direction it is emitted at. This seems like a more reasonable setting for this case, but let me know if it breaks anything and I’ll try to address.

Let me know if you find any issues with this update.

Did you test if the new proximity can detect attached or emitted objects? Just curious, because I know that was an old bug in the past.

@PixelPizza just making sure: Awakening is OK, right?

Well the emitter update break awakening again…
Now player only shoots in one direction.
But only player’s emitter is broken, every other Entity didn’t. I think I can fix it easily but the other games can be broken too.

Proximity update: It’s really better this way. I like it. Didn’t break anything.

Bug that Mhx was talking about: Yes, it detects

Actually the proximity broke - some of them.

Edit: Never mind sorry… it was a bug of my game.

Edit2: The bug was the bug of the Objects with same name

@Grazer can you make a “new window” behavior it would make something happen in your game when you open a new window. It would sometimes make it so enemies would damage the player in my game so i would make it pause the game.

@grazer yes… now it is… I already updated and fixed everything

I put the ship outside of my game gave it super speed and I had a coordinate tracker on I managed to go 103k of my game!! Also When you use showguide FONT when you type % it just comes out as a box for some reason can you add a % look for showguide @grazer

emitter still works weird on 2x2 sprites :frowning:

SB3 is acting weird


wut? I’ll look into this tonight

Hey @CrimsonBlackGames - this is fixed. It was a result of the extractor optimization updates

@Latif3 this update should fix your emitter offset issue as well.

Thanks :smiley: