Nintendo Switch

Make exportables be able to have nintendo switch as an option

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How the heck are you going to get a flowlab game on the switch!?!?

It’s possible, but you have to probably have a license with nintendo to create a switch compatible game. So, probably not something that could be achieved easily.


how do I do it then?

That’s not something I would know personally. You may not be in the position to be able to, since it would probably cost a lot of money and Nintendo may not even agree to it anyway. I don’t know much on now their system works.

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I found this, it may help.


Cool! I bookmarked that, lol.


Or… you could just add some beef to the internals.

I always liked making my own handhelds.

Grazer would have to get a devkit from Nintendo, which I’m pretty sure costs around 600$, just for a feature that very few if any people would use.


Yeah. I mean, if Flowlab grew a ton, I could see some people using it, but right now, not really.

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I’d do it. I’ll play my own game

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I don’t see much of a point. You can buy a few switches with the money to make one devkit, lol.

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You’d also need to get a devkit yourself.


Wow, dang. A ton of money, lol.

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Dang, Never mind :|

Just get your game to be popular and rack up a buncha money

I got Noah (@Deadly_Deather) Number, I texted him

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I’ve had his number

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his new one

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can you give it to me too pls

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