Not my laptop, but my review, Bored Reviews, is definitely not getting as much suggestions as it used to. If you could please, either leave a link in this discussion or in my review discussion: . Thanks! I need this to start back up again. You know, I was starting to catch up to @Crigence (At least by comments, the views are WAY lower), but then it starting going down. Thanks again, and I hope to review your games!
Yeah my review requests are also starting to drop! I think we rang the community dry!
Maybe we should start showing people outside of Flowlab the website so we could get more people to review?
Yeah my review requests are also starting to drop! I think we rang the community dry!
Maybe we should start showing people outside of Flowlab the website so we could get more people to review?
Possibly, it is just that I don’t have a website @Crigence :lol: