Online Racing game in development!

We already have it to where you can enter your own names bro :smiley:

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Btw since you wanna be rude about it, after you said you were going to join you never said anything else.

Your fault bucko…

How are you going to tell me don’t put things under 10 characters and then do it on my post. What a hypocrite

Cause it’s a rule i just dont want spam from a bunch of 3 year olds

Well don’t do it on mine either lol we cool tho

There’s no rule to say so

Actually you did not do that there is no rules in the disc that says that now I’m reporting you to @grazer for saying you want me to get banned again now stop. Also you need to grow up and stop acting 2.

What does group up mean, i guess some kind of new thing. Anyway please stop and act more mature please.

@grazer this guy haevoc has been nonstop bothering me. This post is supposed to be for my game not him calling me a 2-year-old. Can you please ban him from all my posts. Im trying to live my life and he is getting on my nerves.

omg calm down, its not that serious.

@Haevoc could you please be more respecfull to everyone on this forum from what Ive seen of your new account all youve been is rude

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Can you please stop calling me rube for no reason, it’s not polite.

there is a reason grazer banned you in the first place


Flag me all you want I have done absolutely nothing to you. So stop I came back for a fresh start and this is what I get. Let me just say your really cold for bringing my ban back up. So stay out of it, it doesn’t concern you.

Thank you edwardi…

Dude you need to chill your insulting a 14 year old sooo

dude, just let it go, cmon, is it really worth it?

No, it is NOT (also am i on the team still I feel like this is just you and logic)

Yeah is it really worth. You need to calm down i have done nothing to you