Origin's Casual Reviews

sorry to revive topic, but you can do this with the router behavior, i also have a bundle for this


I might as well also ask for a review (if this topic’s still alive)…
My web demo is listed here :smiley:

hey @OriginsOrange could you review this game i made for the booster jam

you dont really have a way to die yet.

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Flowlab.io - Taile Gamougg: Emerald Warrior

The movement doesn’t feel like it was made for this game. Walking feels way too fast and slippery. The combat basically just comes down to clicking quickly

The sprites for the characters and enemies feel a bit too detailed for the rest of the world. I also think that the ground in the second level is too detailed for the rest of the game. It’s kind of just inconsistent.

The attack sound is repetitive and some of the music choices don’t feel like they fit the levels

Overall, I would say the game is okay, but it definitely lacks polish. (My response time is top tier. It’s only been 3 months)

This has been a casual review by OriginsOrange. It was made after quickly reviewing the game in question and writing about things as observed at the moment. As said before, it’s not the most professional, and getting a second opinion is advised.


Oh, you’re on. Can you please review My Game?

I don’t think FOXER has plans to update anymore so I’ll be skipping over it, at least until I’ve gotten to everything else. I should probably also notify people when I give them feedback from now on


could you review me game again

Flowlab.io - Kept (indev)

It starts off as a decent puzzle game until the second level. It’s almost the exact same thing as the first level, but it’s been elongated so it’s too big to fit in the camera. It ended up being repetitive and I had to check to make sure I wasn’t actually playing the same level. The obstacles that kill you don’t feel like they add anything of value

Most of the sprites in the game seem to be default sprites and the player feels extremely out of place. Maybe you could try to make unique sprites in the future

I don’t even know what to put here. It exists? It’s too quiet?

Overall, this game seems like a decent start for a puzzle game, but it doesn’t introduce enough unique challenges. (I couldn’t think of what to put here so I’ll just smash my head into my keyboard. tgrf5g54juhyrt5yui)

This has been a casual review by OriginsOrange. It was made after quickly reviewing the game in question and writing about things as observed at the moment. As said before, it’s not the most professional, and getting a second opinion is advised.

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here i need you to review this

im not gonna update the game but i will create a new one just you wait ill be back