In my opinion that has to be the best score ever.
0.11 out of 10! (more words to bypass the character limit)
Wait I thought you knew there was a way to “bypass” the 20 char limit. When words or letters (not symbols) are put in between a “<” and a “>” with no spaces, it makes the letters invisible thus tricking others into thinking it looks like you bypassed the limit.
I had no idea! thank you lol
We have a professional here I see.
@sup3r87, today, this game is having some serious audio crashes.
On the second level, macrocosm, after about 60 blocks, the music just stops. It doesn’t happen anymore, but it already happened twice in the past hour.
Never mind. I just tried again, and all music crashed, both for the menu, and for the second level.
this is super weird bc it’s a bug that happens on some users’s computers and not on others. I really don’t know what to do about it, but I’ll prolly send a bug report in the discord because this has never shown up for me.
Are the scoring updates done?- because I’m going to start trying to S every level today.
No it isn’t! That system is still a lil’ bit away. It’ll be worked on next week, but leaderboard scores for halcyon will stay
Ok, I’ll wait then. Thanks for the heads-up.
Also, there’s a fullscreen bug. I don’t know why, but in the middle of the level, it just stopped working.
What’s wrong about “yo”?
It’s impossible for me to resist the urge to spam the buttons to swing your sword while nothing is happening.
I wouldn’t use that word if you want your game to get popular.
Really? Lot’s of popular games use the word “yo”. Ember, sometimes I think you try to be too formal when writing things. Writing that way is still good and all but just because you don’t write that way once doesn’t mean that your game will be disliked acrossed the lands.
Oh my gosh. Guys… I GOT 90%!!! Now I’m in seventh!!! I cannot believe it!.. Still, it’s not good enough.
nice job!! Also I say “yo” all the time lol it’s been my thing since 2022ish.
also I’ll keep an eye out for the fullscreen bug. I will say that pressing “f” at any point toggles it so there’s a chance you accidentally hit “f” somehow or something is up w your keyboard. there’s nothing aside from key presses that alters the toggle.
It’s been a long debate about if swinging and not hitting anything should count as a miss. the thing is people could cheat w autoclickers and making a foolproof anticheat for it would be extremely hard. I would go under the guise of “well if you use autoclicker that’s you ruining the game for yourself” but there is a leaderboard. Maybe it’ll be a thing on the paid version since it won’t have a leaderboard, who knows