đŸŽŒ Parse-O-Rhythm - Wishlist on Steam!

Toggleable setting that wouldn’t make your score count towards the leaderboard, or would take points off of your score?


not a bad idea honestly


What if a miss only counted if there are any notes on the screen/near you?
It happened to me to get a few misses just because I was clicking at the start of the game + doing the tutorial


The Slash is also the only interaction on the game.
So punishing the player that much because of a Click seems like a bit too much.
Besides moving the mouse around there isn’t much to do.

Btw have you considered adding obstacles/Enemy projectiles, for harder levels so the player has to avoid those while hitting the notes?


maybe? I’d have to fiddle around with that and make sure the tutorial teaches that, but that is something that could actually work. and for the tutorial, the idea is that you can mess around a bit, but then you can hit enough notes after you understand stuff to bring your score back up.


obstacles, areas the player should go through, and hold notes are all things I very much want to add to the game but I don’t know how I would reasonably encode that into the beatmap system lol. there just doesn’t seem to be any software I know of where you can easily sync up list elements to a song. I am honestly dreading the phase where I get back to beatmapping songs bc the level editor I managed to make (google sheets) is just so atrocious and confusing


I think it happens when I press ESC and delete the tab afterwords. Maybe add ESC as toggle off?..

The codealpaca tool doesnt work for you?

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You mean giving the player the ability to submit a score lower that their standing one? Is decreasing a player’s leaderboard score possible?

What is the “CoedeAplaca tool”?

It’s not out yet, been procrastinating on finishing it up

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There’s a sound that pops up when you toggle the fullscreen right? Because when the fullscreen bug happened to me it kept making the sound but not doing anything.

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well no, because the game has both white and black notes. CA’s tool only currently supports just notes. and it would be even more work to support multiple lists so that things like obstacles or hold notes could be possible. Also CA is not at all obligated to make a tool for the game that can work with any bpm and any length of the song. iirc the tool CA made only works for a few seconds long song. also I just feel really horrible asking someone to make a beatmapper for the game lol


yeah, thats an indicator you prolly pressed F. still very weird though - nothing except mouse clicks or pressing F can activate it. only thing I can think of is that something may be off with clicking

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It was only a few seconds because getting it to extend longer is just a matter of changing a few values, not because it’s not capable of it. I didn’t get to testing where I needed it to be longer yet. Though I’d make a version for Parse’O’Rhythm anyways, you inspired me to make it so might as make a version that works for it (it wouldn’t need to be multiple lists at all, it would just be formatted afterwards for Parse’O’Rhythm)

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ok well, I’ve said this before, but seriously good luck on the project. this will be seriously awesome if you finish it. I salute you :slight_smile:


:warning: Parse-O-Rhythm is currently down for maintenance.

Hey y’all! Unfortunately, the latest flowlab update has caused unforseein issues with Parse-O-Rhythm. These issues result in the game becoming unplayable, so the game has been labeled as “down for maintenance” for now. I’m sure this will be resolved within the next few days though, so don’t fret. Thank you for your understanding :).

-Sup3r87 games


Version the game back to durian


I replied to CA on the discord server, so I figure I’d paste it for context.


Down for maintenance period is over!

The game now functions again. It is still under maintenance at the moment, but you can actually play it again now. Thanks for bearing with us!


:sparkles:Parse-O-Rhythm is now in SCRUMPTIOUS 60 frames per second!

It took a while, but the game now fully functions in 60 frames per second!! Everything is silky smooth and it looks awesome. Honestly so happy to see it finally running like this.

One thing to note, for some reason, playing the game in firefox causes lots of issues. I advise you play the game on chrome or edge (ew, I know) until this is solved. Thank you and enjoy the frames!

-Sup3r87 Games