Pixel Sports - A Game Where Sports And Cubes Meet!

A sneak peak at what the Cursed Dimension gameplay looks like!

@Ramshacklegamestudios @The_Kodex @glithctyrus

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I’ll check it out when I can!

Actually, it’s not available yet, but you can still see it through the editor.

noice(carlito does not aprove)

Hol up that looks epic dude! I am looking forward to It!


I did a VERY in-depth review on this game, if anyone wants some info about the game before diving head-first into it:

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Thank you for the review @Crigence. All reviews are appreciated, and they can help make Pixel Sports become better and better.


Turns out my last comment was the 666th one…

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Attention people, this man has an announcement!
It’s been at least a month since I’ve ACTUALLY worked on Pixel Sports, as most of my focus had gone to other games like Construction Man and Monster Maze. I’ve decided that I need to start working on the game again, ESPECIALLY since it is the game I am most proud of as of yet. So I’ve decided to do a sort of schedule for myself to try to push Pixel Sports updates a little faster. If you want to know this schedule, here it is:
Every once in two weeks (starting November 8th), I will work on Pixel Sports for the entire week. If there is a week where I am not working on Pixel Sports, I will work on whatever other game that I have. Hopefully this means that I can get to work more on Pixel Sports and work on other projects. This may also help me get to work on DoM, because Ramshacklegamestudios had invited me to the development team, and so far all I’ve done is draw out some terrain. I’ve done nothing over there, so hopefully I’ll actually get to do something useful for the team.

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Finally, the Dark Ninja and the Void Dragon’s art are finished!

Dark Ninja GIF Showing Animation Frames

Void Dragon Animation Frames
VoidDragon1 VoidDragon2 VoidDragon3

Warp Dragon Animation Frames
WarpDragon1 WarpDragon2 WarpDragon3

I have no idea why it took me this long to make them when it actually took me just 1 hour each to make each individual character.

@Ramshacklegamestudios @The_Kodex @ShadowGaming


cool!!! (2022020220202020) sry it took so long to respond.

Nothing Can Beat This Game


Looks amazing! Very well done!

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Wow, last comment here was December 2020. It has been a while…

Well, all I can say is that I have made a minor update to the game, and here are the patch notes:

  • You can now play the game with a controller!
  • As far as I know, Xbox and DualShock controllers should work fine.
  • Look at the in-game description for the controls.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several bugs that prevented arrow key players from controlling the player in various ways.

I’m glad to be getting back to this game, degree by degree.

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Pixel Sports has officially hit 1,000 plays! That is sweet! Thank you to everyone who played the game thus far!

@Ramshacklegamestudios @The_Kodex @ShadowGaming @Crigence @meburningslime

:tada: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada:


I remember when you first made the game lol


@MetaNinja Lmao that might have been me I literally played it earlier today and got to level 1, really hoping that game still gets updated, its on page 10 of the “games” section on flowlab

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I remember when you first made the game lol


Sorry my wifi is literally non-existent, I’m in the middle of nowhere on a ten-hour drive, you may get broken or repeat messages ;/

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Yeah, you said “I remember when you first made the game lol” twice. XD

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Literally this for miles lol