I was actually looking online to find something that would help and just about most Gradient generation websites should be able to create radial gradients for exactly what you need.
I used:
Online Gradient Generator
And I was able to create:
I’m sure it’s easier to do on computer, I just threw this together on my phone, but using this outline, you can use various colors to give objects different hues and glowing effects. Plus change the solidity of the gradient or the radius. I’m actually going to save this post since it took me hours trying to figure this out and I found it on my phone super easily.
Anyway, I believe you just make this an object in your game, attack it to the object you want to have a glowing effect and use the blend behavior. It has an input that requires a number and I forgot the exact one, but I think you use add or multiply (the behavior should explain what each number means which function) on this object for it to blend with objects around it. You may have to fidget around with it since I haven’t used it in while and I don’t know it off the top of my head.
Someone asked for this on a separate discussion, and I was able to find a website to create custom gradients like this. I was able to generate a simple white gradient, which you can probably turn it yellow using the RGB behavior.