Please unshorten the flowlab youtube channel

There is no way you actually need that much code to achieve functionality.


Never post on your youtube channel if this is what you plan to teach


I’ll leave my criticism here.

  1. “They’re too short” is an utterly nonsensical and invalid argument. The videos are short on purpose: being easy to pick up and learn from while staying straight to the point.
  2. The channel is ran by grazer; he makes those videos. He’s probably the best source to learn from because he knows all the ins and outs of the engine; you’re more of a novice than anything.
    2.5) Seconded by that fancy screenshot of disappointing and impractical code of yours. Please don’t encourage unclean coding habits.
  3. The other people that have made videos aren’t just “anybody” — they are typically highly influential or experienced users with a similar goal as Grazer — so it’s best you get to their level first.
  4. Reconsider, I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I don’t need that much code for it to “function” because half of it is for a feature that I’m just figuring out how to make because this uses logic gates and the view is in top down and I made this in 5 hours so how do you expect me to shorten this code to your and everyone who liked your absurd posts liking?

Are we even talking about the same channel the one I’m talking about taught me nothing it and is practically an ad for flowlab and only consistently makes shorts which are so short that you can’t even teach people.

@B00T987 , There are lots of people that are just saying that you can simplify your code. They are not wrong, you can simplify it. But… they are not attacking you. They simply want to help you be the best coder you can. I do not want you to stop learning about the code, you can be a great coder and game developer… but you need to start taking some people’s advice as well.
I wish the best. Keep practicing and you will perfect it.
-Overma Games


You probably just viewed some random user’s channel, not the official flowlab one.


I am talking about the right one and I guess all the sudden they just posed four videos but that does not mean that they will keep making long or medium sized.

The intro to flowlab videos were a godsend to me when I was starting, so I’m not sure what you’re missing.


There are the youtube shorts, and then the regular videos. But there are also other videos that are not in the youtube. Maybe you are looking at the shorts?

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Well I never go off of youtube…

YouTube shorts are still in YouTube, they are basically 10-60 reels. When I went to the flowlab channel, it had a list of reels that it had made so you may have accidentally viewed those. The flowlab channel has several 10 to 15 minute videos explaining more Indepth on various basic mechanics.


logic gates are really simple tbh just look in the help menu


Well how do you think I found out what AND means?
Its not the meanings of logic gates that are unsimple to me its how I use them.

they work like and gates, if a and b are active then it outputs

You could have said that 13 days ago.

you could’ve listened to what i said 15 days ago and read the help menu lmao

I did already

Can you not read LOL?