Please update multiplayer

^. Everything doesn’t really work, Maybe this is a help request. idk may just be me but like I’m trying to make a top down multiplayer game and whenever I move and the other player moves, the movement gets all funky. You stop half of the time and its just laggy and annoying. I’m play testing with my brother’s so it shouldn’t be a connection problem since they’re computer is literally right next to me. Also the “Shared” objects don’t really work half of the time. I’m trying to make sliding doors but they’re positions aren’t synced.

If anyone knows how to fix this, pls help me. If this is just actually a problem with flowlab, pls help me grazer.

The only reason I can go to sleep is because I cry my self to sleep.


I can try, I have some experience with multiplayer. :slight_smile:
(It does need update though)

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It can still be a connection problem since I think the multiplayer runs off of the flowlab servers, not based on wifi, so it doesn’t work like a Lan server.

I’ve seen multiplayer run pretty smooth before, but it’s very finicky and not very reliable to base an entire game on unless you know how to optimize everything and bug proof a lot of stuff.


[Just fyi, pretty sure there aren’t any “flowlab servers” (for multiplayer matches anyways); flowlab’s multiplayer runs a peer-to-peer system (kind of like LAN) where 1 person is chosen as the host and the rest sync their info to the host…
Also yes, multiplayer is pretty buggy right now and in need of an update, so don’t feel too bad if it’s not working out]


My whole game works around multiplayer :sob: :sob: :sob: Now what am I supposed to do!?!?

I heard that there were servers to store the games and user information. I heard someone say something about it and I wasn’t sure if the multiplayer ran off them or not.

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Multiplayer works good for me! Great even.

It can cause a lot of lag though.

Multiplayer is very buggy unfortunately. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


It could be how you coded it to be?


Nope. Thats not it.

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Well, I’m working with mastermind Overma… so that might be why there aren’t many bugs.

Although, an update on this would be very handy.