Pls help with my animation

I tried for a bit to relocate the character to be on top of the spike when it touches it but I cant find a way so help pls. here is the link to the game: Flowlab Game Creator - Meltdown (DCG) (wip)

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I’m kind of confused, are you trying to get the player to be on top of the spike when they touch it

what he meant is that when the player touches the spike, he wants to be poked by spike using animation, perhaps there is an artist. is there any artist here? it would do the perfect job!


I mean I want it to line up with it

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hello? why did it get liked but no one answer?

You can do this by extracting the spike’s X coordinate when the player touches it and input that number into a Position behavior.

usually when they “like it.” they get it. or they just liked it.

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can you show me a screenshot maybe? if you can’t its fine

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Spike behaviors.
Player Behaviors.

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Oh Yes! the spike pierces the player, What a Great Idea!

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if you still on a lookout for solution. destroy the sprite and spawn “Blood” sprites. those things will be small and should be on top of the sprite and must be affected by gravity

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