Plymouth Entertainment - SOL [GHOST GUNNER - OUT NOW!]

Sounds good, so this game isnt flowlab made?


Not anymore.


SOL has been moved over to Unity for development, but I still am using Flowlab for smaller projects such as the DATE-A! and A-Box remakes.

I’m only posting the music tracks here because I wanted to share the music aspect more than the game aspect. If this was a Unity demo, I would not be posting on the Flowlab forums lol


@rcreger I am here to request that when SOL releases members of flowlab should get a discount, (or you can PM us the steam code) since flowlab is where it all started, and it would be paying respect to SOL’s roots.

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SOL will most likely be primarily bought by Flowlab users in its first coming months, or even years after release. It wouldn’t be very beneficial to make it for sale for Flowlab members for RC, not to mention it would be difficult to filter through ALL members of the community.

Buying it at full price would also be a means of us thanking him, for having the patience over these years to deliver a great product to us. It doesn’t make a lot of sense for him to pay respect to US, if he’s the one who made the game.

Just my thoughts :person_shrugging:


Hey @DWGAMEMASTER - I do like the idea, but as @Grant_Brown mentioned, it would be a lot of sorting to include EVERY Flowlab user. The problem with this also is that users that are new but didn’t support the project may still receive the discount. My conclusion is that I’ll most likely will be choosing some the most outstanding supporters of the project that will at least get a discount, if not for free.

SOL is on a long development road ahead, but it will likely be cheap if I do snag a price tag on it. This also doesn’t include any future sales it might go on. It’s hard to tell, since it’s so far in the future and I have to go to college whilst also working on SOL.

Maybe I could even start a Patreon, and supporters receive a free copy? I dunno. Again, long down the road. Anyways, thank you for the suggestion, and I hope this clears anything up on the current state of SOL. Thank you:D



now wich are trafic llights to prove your not a bot.


Good luck in college soon my friend.



Tonight, at 12:00 AM EDT, DANGEROUS will be releasing for everyone’s use for their projects. Whether be videos, games, trailers, or so on, you may use them. All I request from you is to, in some form, provide credit for my work.

If you’d like to keep track of the release for tonight, you can take a look on my YouTube channel to keep yourself notified: cregerBot


What genre will it be? I’d like to use heavy metal for Gamougg 3 since I’m changing the entire soundtrack for it and am more than willing to credit people in a dedicated section in the game description.


The album doesn’t have a genre - it’s more of a compilation of tracks from the past 2 years that I thought sounded the best. There is a few with some heavy guitar and drum sounds, though, but not through the entire track. But you’re welcome to take a look at the tracks to see if anything fits, once the album releases of course:D


If it can fit into my game, I might use it, lol.



Yeah me too.


Ayo :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:?


I saw that XD it was submitted for the last FlowJam I believe. Honestly, kind of happy that someone saw something I made and wanted to do something like it. Even though A-Box is outdated, I’m glad people are still playing it, and even a few being inspired by it. Greatly humbling:)



BoweCo. has been hard at work (doing super secret stuff… shhhh), but we were able to get out a new release update for Bowe’s Arcade!

  • Now featuring all-new achievements! (including some secret ones)
  • Adjusted Nitro Kart '02 difficulty - we know how difficult it is.
  • Some minor bug fixes in Fantasy Quest and Hippity.

Thank you for playing our game! We are also happy to say that Bowe’s Arcade surpassed 20 million downloads on the BoweCo. Game Laucher, thank you all for this great success - we only would be here because of you!


Based and humbly inspiring others pilled.



DO NOT USE THIS FOR YOUR GAMES! Do not recommend that. High end PC required just for this tiny demo which can take 1-2 minutes to load (if at all). Optimized it as much as I could.

This is a high-resolution pixel replacer similar to my previous lighting system. Except this time, instead of one 32x32 tile, it is every pixel in a 32x32 tile. Hence, I can only put in about 8-10 of these tiles for even my PC to run online. It is real-time, so if it does load, you can move the light source (WASD) and see it change the environment around it.

I’ll probably make a lower-res version that will hopefully run better, and maybe even a version that can be used in game. Here stands this version as a tech demo:D

If it loads for you, enjoy!

NOTE: @grazer @Samuel_PixelPizza @JR01 , any tips to make it run better?


The only way to make it faster is if you make the shadow pixels bigger, but overall I can say that this is not the way to go for lighting. I tried an example like this and ended up making the pixels 16x16 to be able to go full screen without lag. Another idea is that we could ask Grazer for a light shader to control the pixels of the viewable screen.

My private test Lighting:
Flowlab Game Creator - Light Test 3.3 (16x16)

The best thing I can think of for at the moment is controlling the lighting of surrounding objects instead of making an overlay. I just edited my example to apply lighting to the background too, but I may look into redoing this example later to handle multiple light sources.

My current Lighting Example:
Flowlab Game Creator - Lighting System

The perfect lighting example that I found out isn’t possible to do yet in Flowlab, and I have an example set back, so I can run it when the feature does get added. I need a Mask layering; once I get that, I’ll have a new lighting system ready to go.


Hmm, yeah, the lighting system that we would need would only come with when masking comes onto Flowlab. Lighting is the main reason why I am aiming for using Unity, but since that’s been kind of slow, I wanted to see what I can do on Flowlab - so I made the most laggy as possible test I could make lol

I’ve tried using the second version before, especially in the last Flowlab version of SOL. I didn’t care for how blocky it looked, especially from static lights.

It’s a concept I’ve been trying to figure out, but like you said, probably can’t be done until masking is involved. I’m also not planning on updating this lighting test - probably will just make another with a smaller resolution so I can’t try out other lighting stuff, like shadows (even though those will be blocky too).

Thanks for the input!