its really annoying me and my friend can’t make anything new on are game and we want to make more things or atleast make the limit like 100 or something.
Yeah, grazer can upgrade the limit like he did with upgrading the limit to 3 games
OR you can just upgrade OR your teacher can buy teachers membership
i agree. maybe as a trade off there could be a higher limit to objects like 100, and with that have limited space. Nothing with major constrictions but enough to still inspire the purchase the membership.
This is why we need more object space play the game 21135 Bob World Arena based on my friends comic.
Maybe he can for like $5, upgrade your account to 500 item limit.
They wanted it for Free
That’s not extremely likely. Flowlab will be… wait is it a year old now?..
Anyway, it’s like a free to play project. If you made something you wanted to sell, and you put a ton of money into making it, you would want to make that money back.
Not everything can be free, or else everyone would have no money.
All the money that makes, goes into making it better.
Reply to Mhx air
[That’s not extremely likely. Flowlab will be… wait is it a year old now?..
Anyway, it’s like a free to play project. If you made something you wanted to sell, and you put a ton of money into making it, you would want to make that money back.
Not everything can be free, or else everyone would have no money.
All the money that makes, goes into making it better.]
I agree. Flowlab needs money for domans (the .com things) And website builder upgrades