Pokemon Topic! talk about anything Pokemon here!

pikachu and vaporeon, and also every legendary.

I will help you find it

Hisuian Samurott looks really cool though imo

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I am a big Mimikyu and Meltan/Melmetal fan

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I honestly respect that

oh yeah mimikyu is one of my favorites too!

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I forgot about Meltan!! I love that Pokemon, because the concept is really cool

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Did y’all ever collect like figure toys of pokemon? I have a bunch of them lol. They’re like really small and a lot are off-colored.


I have about 12 of them

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I had a lot but i lost all of them (besides mimikyu)

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I can do pretty good pokemon impressions

cursed pokemon fusion time!!!


the reason I blurred that one is because it might be controversial.

Random fusions I found

Screenshot 2025-01-13 12.23.37 PM
Screenshot 2025-01-13 12.23.24 PM
Screenshot 2025-01-13 12.22.24 PM
Screenshot 2025-01-13 12.18.02 PM
Screenshot 2025-01-13 12.16.30 PM

Guess which PKMN each Fusion is.

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The third one is:

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  1. Raticate and Herocross
  2. Arceus and clefable
  3. Vileploom and carcofacuse idk how to spell that but it’s the pokemon that deadly stars posted already
  4. Milktank and dratini
  5. Is ferrothorn and something that i dont know

Its the knight pokemon that is a shrimp

Yea that one but what’s its name lol.

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I believe it starts with an A but I forget its name too.
Also its Cofagrigus that’s fused with Vileplume

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Ye cofagrigus. I’m sorry for my inability to spell lol.

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