This is a poker game, I have been creating for a little bit. It is still in progress but soon it will be able to gamble money.


ain’t no way you just copied all the behaviors from my poker game


No, I was trying to figure what you did and then make but on my own.

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And a lot of the code is mine only the box was yours.

I looked in the code. I knew immediately that you were trying to figure out how it works. :+1:


Yeah you did just copy the whole thing

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Trying to figure it out but yeah and can you tell me how to do that little spawn in thing where the card comes out of the deck.

I think they were trying to dissect it, and trying to figure out the system of the cards, not to use the code. :slight_smile:

" I have been creating for a little bit"

if I hadn’t said anything they would’ve just left it


You can use eases. You need to ease from the deck, to the start position. AgentY used interpolation too.

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Ohhhh thank you so much.

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there’s never a point in just copying entire objects, you’ll never understand how it works that way


That is true.
But, when you do that, you get to learn new things looking through the code as well. :slight_smile:


Still no reason to copy it to your own game


True, I wouldn’t want my code to be taken too.
I used to copy code though when I was younger and like Good Games said I learned some cool stuff from the code I copied from. Now I can just do the stuff I learned from the code I copied by myself. Although I think Ghost still should’ve asked you or at least credited you because like I said, I wouldn’t want my code to be taken and not be credited at all.

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Yeah Good Games asked when they wanted to make a multiplayer version

This guy just copied it straight up and tried to pass it as their own


Yes. Credit and permission should be given.
I am personally honored when somebody takes my code, lol. At least that means I did something right.

Yeah. :slight_smile: and I will give you full credit for the system as well, like you deserve. :+1: I want to make as most of it as I can, but yours works just plain outstanding! It will still be a while before I actually work on it a ton, I have a couple other projects that are on right now. :slight_smile:

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I think the best way to resolve this problem is either @Ghost_maker_0 deletes the work he copied from Agent Y OR he credits Agent Y and learns from this and makes sure to ASK first before copying.

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He did delete it. :slight_smile:
I sometimes dissect code like he did too, and try to absorb as much as the knowledge as well. I could spend a week in the gods of five save slot system, and I have too. :slight_smile:
But yes, they should ask before as well.

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Please stay on topic thank you.