Polls and Updates for Super Blocky Racing

Can I get a link, so I can check it out?

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sure, sry for the late comment, some items don’t work yet so yeah.

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Someone might have to make a video of this since my device can’t even load the game, lol. I’ve played it before before the project became too big and I have to say, its a fricken goood game!


thanks! but whats wrong with the game on your end?

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how would you rate it so far on a scale of 1 - 10?

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Well, for some reason the game will start to load, then it would just show an all white screen where the game’s supposed to be. Then I have to refresh my browser since I think it stops working. I can’t really rate it since I don’t know what the game looks like now, but when I played it earlier I would have to say maybe a 7/10. Which it was pretty good at the time since the levels were unfinished and the NPC competition wouldn’t work, but I could tell the game was going to be an easy 10/10 with everything you’ve been adding to it. The concept is great with a simple idea of cubes racing each other, and you put that into flowlab so well that not a lot of people could do. I guess there arn’t a lot of racing games on flowlab so this seems kind of like a new category.
I might have to get my computer out and see if it’ll load on there. Which it should since it loads more stronger games than this iPad.

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yes, this game works on laptops. and thanks for your feedback, ik now i am the first person on flowlab to ever achieve a awesome racing game. (im not throwing anyone else under the bus).

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fun fact: these Blocky creatures are a actually a race of alien species called pixelon’s from a planet called world blocky.

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Alright if you seen by my new discussion I layed out, I can finally play bigger games such as yours and I had to play your game. All I have to say is that you game is an easy 9.9/10. I would give a ten, but there are some things that could always be added. I can’t think of any, but I’m sure you can always add to the game. Anyway the music was great, well fitted for the game. Like I said earlier the entire race feature was awesome and I absolutely love your game. Sadly i didn’t know how to use the powerups, but other than that the game was perfect! Can’t wait to see the entire game at its finest!

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you use the O key. sorry for that, and thank you so much, i feel so proud of myself!

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the gave the characters new names lol


Good, because the last time I played, I kept getting confused with the bot named “You,”

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Should i keep their plain colors, or give them cool clothes and accessories?

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the power-up, phantom, now gives makes you invisible (partially) and steals someone else’s power-up and gives it to you.

why do you have to unlock the tutorial?
Or is it just unfinished

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btw, how did you make the AI’s so smart?
they seem to know exactly when to jump.

1: its unfinished, 2: its alot of code, and they jump when their in proximity of a wall or barrier.

Hey @ShadowGaming! This game is great! I have a couple of suggestions, though…

One thing I found a little irritating during my playthrough today was that the CPUs can stack on top of each other, especially me. Personally, I’m thinking that it’d be funny to see the CPUs on top of each other, just not on top of me since it makes it pretty difficult to navigate and control in that situation (especially the beginning). Another solution could be having each CPU start on a different position platform, both x and y, so it makes it less probable for them to land on top of each other and yourself.

This is off personal preference, though, and if people find it enjoyable the way it is, I’d recommend leaving it:) just a small nitpick I had, but only minimally effected my playthrough.

Good luck with future updates!

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okay, thanks for the suggestion, im right on it, and so far, how would yu rate my game? 1-10.

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