Polls and Updates for Super Blocky Racing

So far, pretty solid 7/10. It would be up to an 8 with some performance updates/settings, though, since several moving objects and animations isn’t great on a mid-aged laptop XD

Also, if 7/10 seems discouraging, just know that 5/10 to me is the “average” line, not the “getting bad” line that seems common in game review outlets. So, you’re 20% above my Flowlab opinion average, that deserves an :medal_military:

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thnk you for your feedback! ill add some animations to items and other objects.

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wait, do you have any specific update and settings suggestions for it?

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Some I’d suggest is to be able to turn off animations, reduce competing CPUs, things like that. I feel it’d give the player some more options for their playstyle.

Perhaps you could make it so you could restrict/add certain mystery crate items in the settings, though I can see that being hard to test to make sure it works.

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thank you for your feedback. the mystery crate power-up is supposed to emit a crate behind you, if someone hits it, it either slows you down, or speeds you up. and i would have to remove ALOOOOOOOOT of code if i tried to remove some cpu’s. and what do you mean by turning off animations? :slight_smile:


its so weird its so fun playing my own game. and its the type of game where you dont rage its just fair to play.

I get what you mean XD I haven’t attempted to look at the code yet, so I wouldn’t know. It’s understandable, though

And by the animations, I mean basically the background ones with the crowds. I know a lot of animations playing at once can eat of frames. So, making an option to turn them off + possibly any future animations the player wouldn’t need could potentially help.

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this is the new thumbnail for SBR!!!


i have to change the colors for it though

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I think there should be less yellow in the thumbnail, because the one character is yellow and the label is yellow and there’s yellow in the background, I’m just not sure what it will look like 5x smaller.

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good idea! :smiley:

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i cant change the color of the background or the character but i can change the label.

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That’ll work I was just concerned that you wouldn’t be able to see what the label said.

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heres the final one


Oh yeah! Much better!

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nice what do you need me to do

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what would you like to do? an i mainly need help on track designs.

can you go to the level called “title” and click the screenshot button next to the edit game button?

new power-ups soon to be added. light ray, oil spill, mega block, mystery crate