Polls on a certain category automatically

Make it so that there is a poll automatically as soon as its made like this one and it has

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Like being able to put up a poll into a message/discussion? Or have the option to save premade polls and have them automatically or easily accessible on future posts?

Cause I personally don’t think it’s the most helpful feature to be added since it doesn’t take long to write up a poll or just copy and paste existing polls that you have made as long as you have access to edit your own posts. (I think after 30 days or something, you can’t edit your previous posts anymore).

Plus being able to automatically add a poll could cause more of a problem to certain people since it has options to add or remove options and the ability to select up to a specific number of answers and I think preloading a single default poll might not be the greatest.

Another thing, since the forums is run by Discourse and the layout or format is from an outside company, I don’t think Grazer has the authority or power to change how the entire forum is structured other than minor things like creating categories, badges, etc. At least, I’m not for sure.


I finally understand this post.

CorruptedSword wants it so that certain categories (such as feature requests) automatically come with those polls people like to put that say “is this useful”

This way they don’t have to waste 30 seconds making a poll with 2 options

I honestly think polls are useless when making a feature request. The whole point is need something added to flowlab and to get feedback from other users to why they also need it.