Position Wont Work

I was making a block that would teleport you somewhere when you touched it but, I wasn’t able to get it to tp anywhere but the top left corner of the game. So, I decided to make one that would give random integers to teleport and be simple so I could see any errors easier. Sadly, it still didn’t down and I couldn’t figure it out. Ill show my simple one here, I’d appreciate if anyone knew how you’re supposed to do it. Thanks! (I could only find one other form asking about it and I still couldn’t understand it, thank you for any help :smiley:)

(The black arrow is pointing to where it teleports to)


The position behavior uses pixel measurements, each grid unit is 32 pixels.
There’s an option to set it to grid mode I think.


Thank you very much! Sorry this was a dumb question I’m very stupid

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Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure most people were like that when they started, feel free to ask for help whenever you need it!


Okay, thank you! Have a nice day/night

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also, welcome @Solid_Piku