Project: MOVE (epicly quick-time events)

alright, so, I’m currently working on a simple game that revolves around parkouring around a map and gathering points. I just wanted to share the current state of the game to see what you think about the current movement system: does it flow on not? (btw, you can jump in advance to gain speed faster!)

Flowlab Game Creator - Project: MOVE


if u run for a long time it does that funny crawling animation

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Indeed. I wanted the animations to look a bit silly so uhh… i went for it

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yo, you should keep working on this! the platforming is actually pretty fun once I got the hang of it especially for a flowlab game.


I love his animations! They make me laugh.


Alright, so I added a score bar that scales depending on how much you jump and move in you neutron star looking form. It’s extremely unfinished, and i want to add more ways of gaining score, but for now thats all ya get. BTW! The game will be based around the score bar, making all the actions; killing enemies, doing tricks, moving, contribute to the score.


Altright! A second addition to the score is that now points will be spawned around the map for you to collect! Keep in mind: all points on-map will despawn if you collect one, otherwise getting score would be too easy

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HEY! I’m back with an update, and currently I’m working on quick-time events. I’m still working on the visuals and animations for it, but so far heres how it works: if you press space while you’re in the air, you go into a “frozen” state where the game gives you quick-time events that you have to react to to gain extra score. I’m working on having the player do animated tricks in the air, but for now its mainly mechanical. Enjoy!

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