You put this block in between something that is like an Always block and something else. When you start the game, the Always puts a pulse into the Pulse block, which will in return turn on for one frame or tick or whatever you call it (no idea what any Flowlab lingo is) it will turn on, then right back off. If you put a switch in there and turned the pulse from the Always to the Pulse on and off, every time it was restored it the Pulse block would turn on for one tick thing and turn right back off.
Sounds like something you could do easily with a Timer block.
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So a Once activates for a single frame upon loading. An Always activates every frame. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say by this new behavior lasting a “tick”, that just sounds like a frame.
It sounded like you were saying this:
An Always goes into this behavior, then this behavior outputs, then turns off. Then outputs, then turns off. And it does that every frame. Which is literally the exact same as an Always.
Unless you’re trying to say it’s on for a frame, off for a frame, on for a frame, etc. In that case, it’s really simple to do with a Switch turning itself off, then a a timer to turn it back on after a frame