Quirky Acres Updates

Why did you ask me? (Just curious)

Ember said that you were open


Ok this game got 15th place, but I want to work on it more. Here are some things to be expecting:

-edited pixel art for almost everything (if you have pixel art tips for one of my sprites or something please tell)

-getting rid of the fifth element, (only four now)

-adding a new lasso type, the quest lasso that will have certain quests, like “capture a chicken and a pig” and you would have to collect both of them with the quest lasso to get a powerup

-better tutorial

-animals will have three custom-made stages for when you select the wrong animal

-there will be more than one animal type in each element group

-easier element select

However, the game will be private.


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0 voters

Oops sorry here

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Sorry for the late reply. Here are some things that I have changed/added:
-The chicken and pig sprites are now what I want them to be (pixel size 3 with small color palette)
-One wood block thing that you can place on the grid (not working well yet)
-Chicken and bull can now NOT be picked up when they are in a pen, and can not grow or get stronger while in a pen
-Game pauses when you go up to select a different element
-Fixed up title screen and leaderboard screen

That’s pretty much all! I’ve been doing a bunch of HTML and Javascript and php on my new website. Does anyone have any ideas for what I can code on it?



Are you just supposed to go into the game to get the tutorial?


nope, the tutorial button should be on the homescreen

Ok also I think the red blocks are blocking the lasso or something.

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New Update: Quest update (nearly working!)

In this update I’ve added a new lasso called the quest lasso, and functions in the lasso, display and animal counter so that it will be able to generate random quests. The animals in the quest will show up on the quest board, and to complete a quest you have to capture all the animals listed in the quest in ONE LASSO (using the quest lasso.) This will give you powerups. I have created all the neccisary components in each object, now it’s time to hook it up, which will be finished in a couple of days.



Cool, the quest system is pretty much done.

@Hong_Jooni_Pooni could I have some tips for pixel art

My little chicken is cute
Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 1.28.35 PM
But my big angry chicken is so ugly
Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 1.28.41 PM


Here you go, I think it fits him well.