RamshackleStudios: Audio Logs!

But hey, @Agent_Y if you can give me any advice to make it better I’ll take what I can get!

I mean the only advice I have is to not use Wix


yeah…wix is the most accessible for me right now, but I agree it’s kinda bad lol.

Learn website design with html, css, and javascript.

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That would totally be a lot better, but for how little use I have for the site is. I have no real point of learning it right now, but I’m definitely interested and want to learn.

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Nah wix is actually good though you just have to have a good computer


That’s just a blank box?

It’s a gif, you probably just can’t see it.

Now who has a bad computer? Gifs don’t even load for you…


Yeah because of how trash your computer uploaded it :joy:

I dunno man everyone else sees it, plus discord is hosting it, not me

That’s probably why then because I’m on a school computer so thats why its not showing up

For the wix thing maybe you just need better internet


It has nothing to do with my wifi or my computer, gtmetrix creates a performance report for the once from their own servers in canada

and it hasn’t changed

Cool numbers, I’m sure they mean something important :upside_down_face:

Stop swearing, geez :upside_down_face:

I’m not using chrome, and I don’t live in Canada

That’s why I censored it Don’t read it if you don’t want to

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Fair enough, I go now :upside_down_face: