Random spawning of bricks in idle game

Well you could just spawn the normal brick and give it a chance to spawn in the other brick and destroy itself.

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nah this way would work better and use less materials (50 object limit)

ok how do i random the animations my brain isnt working right now

ohh they have to be 2 dif blocks maybe cuz this tells each one to play that animation im so confuzed

this would work besides the fact that its telling all blocks to do this

you need a filter that wont work

ok how would i do it if those objects in the back are just cloned from the og that means no matter which one it chooses they will still all play the same one

do what you did but put a filter in between the animations and the random number saying if number is 2 then fail go to the first animation success go to the first animation

(the attacher/spawners are just for the example)

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Filter behaviour