Range Block

It would be nice if there was a “range” block:

IN --> You input a number to test (outputs 1 or 0 depending on the input)
MIN --> You input a number for a minimum (does not output anything)
MAX --> You input a number for a maximum (does not output anything)

Pass --> Outputs 1 if the number is within the range and 0 if the number is outside the range.
Fail --> Outputs 0 if the number is within the range and 1 if the number is outside the range.

I know you can use multiple filter blocks to do something similar to this but when you need to do this many times it just makes things very messy.

You could make a bundle with an input and output with sets of filters in them
if your looking to copy and paste bundles or get more space.

Yes I could make it myself using filters and bundle them up but I think that something like a Range block is a pretty basic feature and it would be nice if it was added.