Regarding Saving Behaviors

Just had a problem with saving my behaviors for my main character. At first it autosaved my behaviors after inputting them. However, one day I noticed that my behaviors were completely gone. Now, when I make my adjustments to the main character, it never saves. Would anyone happen to know what may be causing this?

This is happening with me to now.

Hey R.R., which game is it occurring on?

MarkOh, I’m assuming this is the game in question:

I m looking into this issue right now, I’ll let you guys know what I figure out.

MarkOh, your behaviors were still there - just not loading properly. I have fixed the loading for now, but still trying to track down exactly what caused it. Let me know if it happens again.

RR.GOA: I’m not sure what issue you are having, but it doesn’t seem to be the same thing. Let me know what game and object you’re having trouble with and I’ll take a look.

My game is Wrestling Rabbit and its only affecting the Destroyer level.

Hey RR.GOA - I just checked it out, and you had the same problem as MarkOh :confused:

I fixed up your object loading as well (“Jenkins”), and added a check that should prevent this from happening in the future.

Please respond in this thread if it happens again, and thanks to you both for reporting this issue :slight_smile:

Grazer! Thank you!!