Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold Devlog

Lol. I meant the ratio between the number of games here and horror. Plus, thanks for the list. I gotta check those out

The guy that made Fear Assessment is on Flowlab too. I don’t think he made that game in the engine but I could be wrong

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We should take this to another topic

You will figure out soon, when more documents come. At the time, it will be…censored.

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Everything has it’s purpose. It’s never was supposed to be perfect.

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Just like my art and games

Your right, I’m really sorry if this is how the game is giving out first impression. No harm is down to me. I should have been more thoughtful about it. My english and grammar is horrible and I did my best to try to show off my game. Yes, this is my first time making a game…I planned it for a while now, and the whole story. It’s not what I was hoping for, but hopefully i can go back to the board and improve it later on. Just bare with me.

(I really love making games, and horror mystery games were my favorite, I wanted to create one so I will do my best. I moved from china to amercia. I’m so sorry)

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I’m still excited

Yeah, no, don’t worry dude, no harm intended, just my thoughts. I’m still curious to see what you have here

I have identified certain flaws within my narrative. I would like to inform you that I will be reinitiating the story. Consequently, this topic may be removed, and I will create a new topic to present the enhanced version of the story. (Credit to Grammarly for helping me)


.That’s okay! I have read and seen the story so far. What many people are saying is true, but as a beginner game developer, you are doing well! Keep it up.

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hello again, coreplex.

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only for the spellcheck, right?

He’s native to china, so I figure it helped with word choices too. Which is great, because that response was well written.

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Yes, some words were chosen by Grammarly but most of it I wrote.I studied a bit of advanced English before I went to school in the US.

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