Review my game Watch.Out

Review my game its called Watch.Out its a bad name but its a good game. Flowlab Game Creator - Watch.Out

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Could you send the link?

Try and look up the game name its Watch.Out WIP

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Is it in the Flowlab game library? Did you make it using Flowlab? -Because, I’m not seeing any Watch.Out WIP.

Hold up i trying to send you the link on the computer

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Here are a few easy steps to copying and posting the link for your game:

Then Copy the link and press Ctrl and V at the same time in a post.

I know how to do that but im trying to send you my game link on this account but the account the game is on is called supersonic124 but im him

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So try and look up supersonic124

Then do those steps signed into your other account.

The search bar doesn’t take profiles.

Go back to the main area of the forums and look me up in there

And then try to go to games on my profile

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Did that work for you or no

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It didn’t. As I said before:

Is the game private?

Can’t you just open the game and copy the url link, then post it on here?
Even if your logged into another account, you can still pull up the game.
Plus it’s really a hassle to try and find the game manually since the search bar is still kind of broken.

I cant its on my 2nd profile

And this is my first profile

You can still sign into your other profile, copy the link, and post it here on this profile. You can sign into two profiles at once, as long as they aren’t both doing the same thing.

What I’m saying is:
Open a new Flowlab Tab, sign out (Keep the forums tab signed into this account), then sign into your alt and copy the link. Then you can paste the link here.


okay and im the same guy supersonic2007

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Edit the link into your original post at the top of this topic so that people don’t have to scroll all the way down