Rumble Spire Devlog


Play as the antagonist of Gooey Revenge, Rocky in this rip-off Pizza Tower! This will be developed by me and @DeadlyGumChewer! The art will be made by me and I will be a sub-coder. Cloud will be only a coder.

typed by Deadly_Smile


D a m n I’m excited!



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The first devlog may be released either today or tomorrow. It depends on how lazy me and adam are.

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Devlog #1

2, 23, 2024.

cutscene and art are in the making.

Current Bugs

  • None yet.

Overall, The game will probably be done in 2 months or earlier.

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Working on controls, and also currently working on balancing my schedule to work on this game and Karma’s Prisoner.

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I am quitting on this game. Adam doesn’t seem to care about the fact that there are mixels in a sprite and I am bothered by the fact he is sending me nerd emojis when I complain about it. If you want your game low quality go ahead, I don’t care.

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I wasn’t the one who put the mixels Even when you did fix it it still had mixels. im not working on the test dummy thats YOURS i didn’t change ship of it and i was making the skip button and the tutorial level its so stupid that you got mad at me for something you did

I saw you editing the Dummy yesterday. I don’t put mixels and I never will. The splatter of slime on it’s face was something I never put in.

I wasnt making art i was seeing if he had the controls i dont edit things you made i have better things to do then add mixels to another finished sprite

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Level design : tutorial

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I got cloud back with my carizma dont worry

No you got me back because you said sorry.

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SHHHHHSHSHHSHSHSHSH dont listen to him

Adam has no “rizz” he’s just lying to you.

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Carizma* im not that on gen a nowadays

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(I’ll stop now.)

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There will be taunts in the game. White means common, Yellow means rare, And red means legendary.