đŸŒ” Samuel's Website - 2 Asset Packs!

Hey everyone! :wave: AAA I’m so excited to finally share this project more officially! :blush:
It’s been a while since I created a new topic but I’ve been cooking a lot behind the scenes ahah! :cook: :fire:

It’s live now!

Samuel Tomé - Designer & Game Developer website


I’m making a Portfolio Website for my work and games! But since it was taking a while, I decided to release a Coming Soon page alongside some Asset Packs!

The cool news is

These asset packs are really useful, extensive, and crafted with much love! They will also be available to purchase once my Full website is released! So definitely keep your eyes peeled for when they drop for FREE!

Here is a little bit about the Asset Packs I will be releasing (not out yet, but really soon!)

The Complete Prototype Asset Pack!

This pack will revolutionize how you create your Levels and your Game Design process!
Using them makes crafting unique and fun levels super smooth & straightforward - and it will also improve your game Performance by using big handy shapes instead of only using 1x1 Blocks!

You will be crafting Game Prototypes at the speed of light AHAH! :stars: :running_man: :dash:

Complete Prototype Asset Pack - Image 2

Complete Prototype Asset Pack - Image 3

The Complete Paper Textures Pack

Add Textures to your illustrations and games stress-free with these high-quality Paper Scans!

+ No more Time wasted endlessly searching for good textures.
+ Get them in all styles: Stained, dirty, gallery archive, holographic, and more!

And that is all for now! I will share it here once my Website is live!
The website will also be released alongside a Demo Game, with 3 Levels, that shows the potential of the Prototype Asset pack in action! :boom:
Thanks, see you soon! :love_letter:


Are these textures strictly for flowlab and game making, or can they be used for other platforms?

I do a lot of writing and graphic design to make custom documents so I may have uses for the paper textures outside of game making. I’ve spent many hours looking for decent high quality paper textures to make custom documents, notes, etc, so I can definitely see them being very helpful.


They for sure are apt to use everywhere! :blush:
Not limited to Flowlab at all, so they will suit your work perfectly too :ok_hand: :star2:
Thanks! Glad you will find them useful :)))


This is gonna be awesome!!!


Wow, this is awesome! I can’t WAIT!!!


Eheh thanks!! :blush: @JUSTPLAINOP @Coofin
Cant wait to share more about this too :stars:


Is there a set release date?

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Really really soon :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::stars::stars::stars:


Awesome :smile: cant waitttt

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I can’t wait! This is going to be sooo cooool!


This looks amazing, I’m really excited for this!


Eheheh thanks for the enthusiasm :heart: @pingkiller122 @JUSTPLAINOP @Deadly_Stars I’m as excited as you are!

My website and the 2 Asset Packs are finally live!

Check out my Website here:
Samuel Tomé - Designer & Game Developer

Samuel Tomé Website Designer & Game Developer

You can now subscribe to my newsletter and get TWO FREE ASSET PACKS!
These asset packs are massive and I’m sure you will love them!

Samuel Tomé Website Asset Packs Showcase

These Asset Packs and their Paid version are also available for purchase on itchio!
Users who own the Paid version will get access to all future updates AND also support my work and the creation of more awesome stuff! Thank you! :love_letter:

Complete Packs Bundle: Get both paid versions at a discounted price!

Complete Paper Textures Pack: Perfect for applying great texture, without the endless quest of searching for good textures on the internet! Get all the paper textures you need in a single bundle! :star: :scroll:

Complete Prototype Asset Pack: Perfect for Level Design and prototyping a game in minutes! :man_running:t4::dash:
Works for all kinds of games too - 3D, Sidescroller, Top-down, you name it! :dart:

Why ‘Complete’ Asset Packs ?
These massive packs get updates every so often with even more content & tools as we reach goals! :mountain_snow:

Thanks! I hope you love them!

Feel free to let me know your thoughts, feedback and show me the cool stuff you create with them!


I also made a cool Demo Game to showcase the infinite possibilities of Levels you can create with my Prototype Asset Pack!

Have you tried the game yet? What did you think of it? :blush:

:earth_africa: You can play the Game, and see how awesome the Asset Pack is for level creation on my website:
Samuel Tomé Website - Designer & Game Developer

The game also works on mobile! :hushed: :eyes:
It’s using the Mobile controls assets included in the pack! (They come in all shapes and sizes!)


well I cant use these I need the challenge of “employing” someone to work on my Games textures only right after I complete my game for under 20 dollars.


uhh what? ahaha I think you are joking, but I don’t get what you mean.
But these are great for designing levels instead of using blocks that are 1x1 grid blocks, as you can plan ahead of time how big the character jump should be, or how big the attack hitbox should be, etc. The Ground blocks also serve as rulers and guides :+1:t4:


While they are good for designing levels for the other games. I’ve already made my game packed full of animations and textures that all work with each other. also I feel like the textures that you are providing are made for easy level making and I don’t have indie so I cant do anything with these yet

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Yeah, that’s exactly how they’re supposed to be used.

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yep and Im not there yet(I’m still making basic features) and I don’t have indie yet so I cant make real levels

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Who says you can’t make “real” levels without indie?

me I can only make 5 which is much too less for me so I might as well work on the basic and advanced features of my game and then Speed run level making once I get indie so I can make nice levels quick.