Saving Destroyed Blocks SOLVED

Hey everyone its Overma Games, just on a different account. I have been working on a island game thats top-down. I am trying to figure out how to save the destroyed blocks once the player has mined them, so when you come on next the island will look the same with blocks you placed and the ones you destroyed. I have been trying to use number lists, but I am not used to using them at all and hardly experimented with them. Here is some screenshots with what I came up with on a test game.

This is in the block itself, sort of a detecter to see if it was destroyed before.

Help would be greatly appreciated… Thanks!
(more screenshots in a new post. New user thing. :slight_smile: )

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This is the code used when you destroy the block.

And this is in a sort of save computer.

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Yeah, I meant to tag code_alpaca… thanks!

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I might not be able to reply, or read anyting else today, I have some stuff to do, I will try tomorrow… but im not sure. Thanks if you reply! I will try to reply as fast as possible.

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You’re on the right track, but there’s a better way of identifying each object. You can instead use Object ID.
I’m on mobile rn, but I believe I have a screenshot of the code somewhere



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This is working wonderfully, thanks so much!

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