Score system finishing touches

Ok so I made a score system and now I want to add some finishing touches. I would like it to play a sound and have a label how up that says You Won! once you hit a certain number. any ideas? thanks.

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Okay so…
Send your global through a filter, and once that filter is true have it go through a switch that turns itself off, plays a sound, and sets the alpha of a label to 100
so, basically:

Global (out) β†’ (in) filter [greater than 99] (true (1)) β†’ (in (1)) (off (2)) switch [default on] (out (2,3)) β†’ (get (3)) number [100] (out (4))

Once β†’ (get) number [0] (out) β†’ (alpha (4)) label [You Won!]

If you’re confused, go to my topic on Standard Flowlab notation

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No idea if I did it right.

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You forgot to send the always into the IN of the switch :stuck_out_tongue:

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oops and thanks. finally i can move on to the next step!

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