I have a game where players are required to answer questions correctly in order to make it to the next level. I’ve been able to make it so players who answer three questions incorrectly lose the game. However, I’m looking to add a scoring system as well that awards users points when they answer questions correctly and deducts points if they answer incorrectly. I just can’t seem to figure out how that would work. Any suggestions are appreciated!
You could use globals that get added to when a answer is correct and if the answer is wrong you could subtract points.
Thank you! I ended up putting it together like this and it will add and deduct points but it’s not doing so properly. Correct answers are set to +10 and incorrect answers are set to -10. But while playing, incorrect answers come out as -9 and correct answers come out as 11. If you get one wrong and then come back to get it right, the math doesn’t become -10 + 10 = 0. Instead, it goes -10 + 10 = 11.
Any suggestions there?
Don’t add it like that what it’s doing there is adding one to the number then just setting the value of the label to that what you need to do is this.
Mailbox → (Get)Number →
(add)Number → (value) label
Mailbox → (Get)Number →
Thanks! I’ve updated it as described and it’s no longer doing the one-off math. However, it’s still not adding up properly. For example, if you get the question incorrect the first time, it does give you -10 points. But when redoing the question and getting it right, it gives you 10 points rather than bringing the score back to zero.
Still wrong I’ll take a screenshot of how it should look when I get home
Awesome, that works. Thanks so much!