Screen Blurring?

I’m working on my game, Till We Have Faces, and I really want the ability to blur all non-gui blocks at the same time. @grazer could we make this happen in the near future, and if not, can it be added to the mountain of things to be added? Thanks, lol.

I talked to him about something similar to this before, and he said it would make the program run slower because it would need to run a box filter. However, he didn’t say no about it.

There’s all I know personally, so I’m pretty sure extensive use of the behaviour would result in a proximity type problem, but I’m still on-board with the idea nonetheless

An easier way to do it is to just up the minimum pixel size then lower it and contrast colors. That’s good info though @browngr, thanks.

Would be useful 100%! Great call. :slight_smile:

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You could animated it, I feel like that’s probably the best way right now. Or you could just replace the blur with some other effect that’s already possible

That’s what we were thinking @Agent_Y, but that wouldn’t be possible with the way we did our game. You’ll see when it releases.

But will I really? :face_with_monocle: